Israel - good vs evil, More on humane Israel the giver and Arab Palestinian the exploiter
Israel - good vs evil
More on humane Israel the giver and Arab Palestinian the exploiter
December 26, 2006
Reality Check
Excessive restrain not "excessive force"
The restrained Israel that is only branded with ridiculous charges of "excessive force".
Since the cease fire broken between Israel and all "Palestinians" (December 2006), more than 55 rockets were launched from "Palestinians" on Israeli civilians including on a nursery school in Sderot, that particular attack was immediately after Israel pledged for releasing 100 Million dollars to them.
But the UN can never seem to find any time to pressure "Palestinians", the same UN will jump all over Israel as soon as some Arabs get hurt by Arab militants' cruel tactics.
The cycle of responding fire for olive branches not "cycle of violence"
But this cycle of Israel giving and giving and Palestinian Arabs only responding with more and more violence is as old at least as this group started to call themselves as 'Palestinians".
Take for example this biggest give away for the "Palestinians" that no Arab nation was ever willing to do, which is giving them land that was never theirs as a 'sovereign land', the Gaza give away in 2005, What was the Palestinian Arab respond?
You guessed it, more and more violence, stabbing civilians, bombing or continuous attempt-to-bomb, massacres.
Let alone the "Palestinian" almost collective dark voice for more crimes, in so shamefully overwhelmingly supporting the radical racist Hamas, at the time that Israel's heroic painful dramatic sacrifice of evacuating families was seen & heard around the globe, when compassionate Israelis overwhlmingly were thinking ahead for a brighter future, when these courageous Zionists decided overlooking narrow borders so vital to it's security for the sake of peace, these Arabisn bloodthirsty war mongers hurried only to vote in these masters of genocide, for the cruel endorsers of mass suicide, for the cult of death, another huge step backwards, just as Israel makes another giant step forward, towards a slight chance of peace & the betterment for the coming generations of both people.
But this of course is hardly a recent picture, this has been happening time & time again, each gesture & good will Israel has been presenting the Arabs, whether it is releasing dangerous prisoners, or more financial help, it never saw/sees anything positive feedback.
The Arab Palestinians see Israel's gesture as "weakness"
Undoubtedly the more Israel gives them the more their Arab adversaries see it as a weakness, and not as a natural good hearted Israel, just as these cold hearted terrible Arab racists that have been brainwashed into 'not seeing the Zionists as humans', can't seem to see the humanity that motivates Israeli soldiers' hesitation to fire when Arab terrorists hide among civilians, they interpret it of course as "cowardice"..
This reaffirms the danger, appeasing Islamic terrorists contain.
Labels: Good vs evil, Humane Israel, Humanitarian Israel, Israel the Gem, palestinians
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