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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Only Racism Motivates anti Israel "racism" charges - Constant campaign by racist Arabs

Only Racism Motivates anti Israel "racism" charges

Constant campaign by racist Arabs

Anti Israel fascism: Holding Israel to a standard, NO COUNTRY can.

Just after pluralistic multi racial Israel has nominated it's Arab minister...

No matter what Israel does -- the very democratic Israel that is enabling for Arab-advocacy & Arab propagandists to flourish, such groups that have a job of 'silencing real racism, hatred & terrorism by Arabs inside/outside of Israel', via crying 'racism' on ANYTHING, good hearted Israel that faces imminent danger from a sea of fascism, Islamofascism or plain Arab racism, usually both combined -- it just can never "satisfy" the charges of "racism".
The Arab racists know that, which is why they know they can go on & on & on about it.

How more can we racis-ize Israel?

Anti-Israel groups such as "Adala" (by racist Arabs supported by some Israeli Jews saturated by extra-guilt) is even resorting to such ridiculous "complaints" as to why Israel does not promote 'Muslim holy sites' as much as they do for Jewish sites... wow! How is it "racist"? Well, that doesn't really matter much, just as long as they can even remotely claim the desired "racism" word, that WORKS for them (http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Columnists/Jacobs_Mindelle/2007/02/26/3668039.html ) wow! How is it "racist"?
Well, that doesn't really matter much, just as long as they can even remotely claim the desired "racism" word, that WORKS for them.

"Palestinian" Arabs: If you dare defend yourself, I will call you a "racist"

How can one expect to survive fascist Arabs inside Israel that conspire to slaughter innocent non-Arab Israelis?

How can anyone criticize security measures in the war on terror?

Why is it that a checkpoint on Jews is quite OK but a checkpoint for Arabs have to be connected to "racism"? Is this double standard not racist?

Last but not least, Don't forget the good ol' Arab occupied UN that jumps on any "racism" charge, old or new, the body that would never voice anything on real racism by the entire Arab world on ALL it's minorities, without any explanation of 'fighting terrorists' insight.

Now let's take a look at real racism, no argument here, by Arabs inside Israel, Israeli Arabs' fascism

Israeli Arabs' deny Shoah
Totally Jewish, UK
More than a quarter of Israeli Arabs believe the Holocaust did not take place,
according to a new survey conducted by Haifa University. ...

The Enemy Within
Strategy Page
March 17, 2007: There is a growing problem with loyalty of Israeli Arabs, who make up 20 percent of the population. A recent opinion survey of the Israeli Arabs

Israeli Intelligence: Israeli Arabs A Long-Term Danger To Israel's survival
Zionist Organization of America (press release), NY - Mar 15, 2007
Some 40% of the Israeli Arabs involved in terrorism originated in Judea and Samaria but were permitted to come to pre-‘67 Israel and receive Israeli ...

Radicals taking over

Half of Israeli Arabs justify Hizbullah kidnapping
Ynetnews, Israel - Mar 18, 2007
Prof Sammy Smooha from Haifa University finds surprising support for Shiite organization among Israeli Arabs. 'The Katyusha rockets endangered them too,'

48% of Israeli Arabs Say Hizbullah Rocket Attacks Justified Israel Hasbara Committee (subscription)

DEBKAfile Exclusive: Israeli Arabs caught fighting with al Qaeda ...
Mar 18, 2007
Captured in Baghdad Saturday, March 17, were two - some sources say three - Israeli Arabs, who told their American interrogators they came from the northern ...

Expulsion from 'Peace House' in Hevron?
Arutz Sheva, Israel
According to one report, the decision to enter the building now was reached after the Jews of Hevron received information that Arabs intended to enter the ...


"Double Standard"

By Mindelle Jacobs


A United Nations anti-racism panel is once again examining the human rights records of various countries and Israel, of course, is being characterized as particularly malevolent.

Last week, Israel was before the committee to answer to allegations of discrimination against its Arab citizens in areas such as education and housing, and the disparities in incarceration rates between Jews and Arabs.

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination also questioned Israel about accusations that the Jewish state doesn’t sufficiently protect sites considered holy by other religions.

This issue was prompted by a report to the committee by an Israel-based NGO called Adalah, which promotes the rights of Israeli Arabs.

Since 1948, about 250 non-Jewish places of worship have either been destroyed or made inaccessible because of neglect or security concerns, according to Adalah.

Some were razed because of development in the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv corridor and others have simply been left to crumble because of lack of funding, the NGO asserted.

“Jewish sites take high priority, Christian sites come second and Islamic sites a distant last,” Adalah declared.

The group also complained that tourism officials promote the city of Safed as the centre of Jewish mysticism or Kabbalah, even though the city also has a Muslim past.

Well, the Ottoman Empire is long gone and Israel is a Jewish country. It would be peculiar if it didn’t use Safed’s ancient link to the Kabbalah to draw visitors.

As for the destruction of non-Jewish places of worship, I suspect most were sacrificed for the sake of urbanization.

Racism likely played a part in the closure, conversion and neglect of some mosques and that’s unsettling. Israel also has a troubling history of discriminating against its Arab citizens.

But let’s keep things in perspective. All citizens of Israel have full civil and political rights, including freedom of religion. Israel isn’t perfect but it is at least striving to improve.

And Israel has the rule of law to keep the country on its toes. Elsewhere in the Middle East, however, it’s racism as usual – typically state-sanctioned.

In Saudia Arabia, for instance, all citizens must be Muslim and the public practice of other religions is banned.

Non-Muslims who gather in homes for religious practices are supposed to be protected. However, this right isn’t always respected, according to the U.S. Department of State’s 2006 International Religious Freedom Report.

In compensation cases, male Jews or Christians only get half of what male Muslims receive. Other men are granted one-sixteenth of the amount a Muslim gets.

And the government, which observes Sunni Islam, doesn’t finance the construction or maintenance of Shia mosques.

In Egypt, non-Muslims need a presidential decree to build churches and synagogues and the neighbouring Muslim community must give its approval.

The construction and repair of churches is typically delayed for years.

Israel’s missteps are mild in comparison, says Aurel Braun, professor of international relations at the University of Toronto.

“Among the tricks here,” he says, “is to set up a standard that no one can meet and then hold Israel alone to that standard.”



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